Star Wars Rogue One inspired Shoretrooper armor and helmet 3D-file for cosplay

$40.00 $30.00 -25%
This is a 3D file, not a physical product!!!This file is based on and inspired by the Shore Trooper/ AT-ACT/ Assault tank driver from "Star Wars: Rogue One". These files are meant for personal use...


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Files will be emailed within minutes after purchase!

This is a 3D file, not a physical product!!!

This file is based on and inspired by the Shore Trooper/ AT-ACT/ Assault tank driver from "Star Wars: Rogue One". These files are meant for personal use only and are not to be shared without explicit permission.

It features:

- the shoretrooper helmet with:
--    a separate blast shield, mid shield, tusk greeblies, mouth greeblie, eyebags, main rim, bottom rim, dome, and midpiece (see pictures)
--    a version of the files that has a separate faceplate

- the rest of the armor with:
--     a version of the files with integrated hooks for strapping (You will need 25mm and 40mm nylon webbing and 40mm rubber bands)
--     all possible belt boxes
--     the squad leader belt buckle
--     chest buckles
--     2-part clamshell biceps, forearms, and shins
--     separate back box insert pieces meant for resin printing
--     everything else shown in the renders

You can also use this set of armor for the assault tank driver and AT-ACT driver.

The files are made to be assembled in a way that is quite close to how the screen-used armor and helmet were presumably assembled.

Should you run into any problems printing the files, please do not hesitate to message me. Happy printing!

Not associated with LUCASFILM LTD. ™ or any LFL Ltd. ™ Film or Franchise. "Star Wars" is a registered trademark of LucasFilm Ltd. The Star Wars logo, characters, prop designs, and names © LucasFilm Ltd. This document and related sites/products are not sponsored or endorsed by LucasFilm Ltd. or any of its affiliates. All © and ™ are property of their respected owners and are used here for comparative or descriptive purposes only.

Wir sind kein Partner von LUCASFILM LTD. ™ oder einer anderen LFL Ltd. ™ Film oder eines Franchises. "Star Wars" ist eine registrierte Marke von LucasFilm Ltd. Das Star Wars Logo, Charakter, Requisiten Designs und Namen sind © LucasFilm Ltd. Dieses Dokument und die verwandten Seiten/ Produkte sind nicht gesponsort oder werden unterstützt von LucasFilm Ltd. oder irgendeiner zugehörigen Gesellschaft zu LucasFilm Ltd. Alle © und ™ sind das geistige Eigentum ihrer Eigentümer und werden hier nur für Vergleichs- oder Beschreibungszwecke genannt.

AGB, Widerrufsbelehrung und Datenschutzerklärung hier zugänglich: / TOS - german available here:

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